Your property will be weed-free as we manually remove unsightly weed growth. We constantly inspect and review your property to ensure that seasonal weed growth is under control, particularly weed growth around your walkways and driveways.
At Must Have Maintenance we pride ourselves on active weed identification and management, so you can be confident that your lawn and garden beds will look in perfect condition all year round.
Why is weed removal important?
Weed growth has the potential to negatively impact on the health and visual appeal of your lawn and garden beds. If left untreated, weeds can rapidly expand and multiply, leaving your beautiful plants and shrubs struggling to survive amongst a growth network of weed roots.
How should weeds be managed?
It is important that you get on top of weeds as soon as possible or else you risk them taking over your lawn and gardens. Larger weeds should be pulled by hand and in doing so, care should be taken to ensure that their root system is also removed in the process. Cultivation of weeds is another effective strategy, and involves breaking the weed’s root system through the use of a manual hand tool or device. Depending on their variety, weeds should also be sprayed with a broad-leaved herbicide which targets common weeds such as clover and bindi. A broad-leaved spray will prevent your lawn areas from being negatively impacted by your weed removal strategy.
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Let our friendly team of highly experienced professionals make your lawn and gardens the talking point of your street!